A non-update update! (July 2023)
Hi all! I’d hoped this would be a triumphant “I have a date for ADoS&S!” post, but it’s not. I had a trip at the end of June scheduled since last year, and I’d also hoped that I’d have everything finished and turned in before I went, but I didn’t. I’d hoped to be able to work enough that when I was gone that I’d be done when I got back, but that didn’t happen either. And after moving last July, I’d hoped that the we’d be able to rent our house for more than a year…but I can’t. So I’m moving again and that’s taken over a lot of my time, and I expect it will continue doing so until the end of July/early August.
I’m offline a lot during this time (I have a lot of social media blocked so it isn’t a distraction from writing) so I’m sorry if I’ve missed any messages. I hope to have more of an update as soon as I get everything settled here. In the meantime, here’s a picture of a (not a baby anymore, but always a baby to me) goat “helping” me put things in the moving container. Also, if you have to move a lot of paperbacks, especially, this is my favorite way of moving them — paper bags with handles, double bagged (if you fill up the bags), and it’s so much easier to haul them around than boxes of books are.
Until next month,
Milla <3