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About Milla


Milla Vane suckled at the plump teat of 80s fantasy movies and was never properly weaned. Under a pen name, she is also an award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of steampunk and paranormal romance. Milla currently resides in Oregon.

If you have any questions regarding rights and representation, cover quotes and blurbs, or ARCs and publicity — please scroll down to see the contact information for my agent and my publisher.

Literary Agent

Licensing and Subrights

For all inquiries regarding licensing rights to my work, please contact my literary agent, Nephele Tempest, at the Knight Agency.

Cover Quotes & Blurb Requests

All cover quotes/blurb requests should also be directed to Nephele.

Publicity/Publisher Info

Berkley Books

All publicity enquiries should be directed to the publicity department at Berkley Books.  You can also find them on Twitter at @BerkleyRomance.

Advanced Review Copies (ARCs)

Can I get an ARC from you?

Excerpt for a few given away in contests, I personally do not send out ARCs; my publisher does. Typically Berkley will offer review copies through Edelweiss or Netgalley, or you may directly contact the publicity department at Berkley Books.

Please note: Online contests for ARCs will almost always be publicized on my Twitter account or my Facebook group, or through my newsletter. If you follow me on social media (or follow @BerkleyRomance) you will likely be the first to hear about it. If you’re worried about being overwhelmed by my social media posts, never fear—I don’t post very often, and it’s mostly just news or book-related when I do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can you add your map to the book/ebook?

A. My publisher might be open to it, but since the map is a work in progress (and made by me) it’s not really ready to go into a book yet! It’ll always be as updated as possible on my site, though.

Q. Do you have a character list, including gods and goddesses?

A. Not yet, but I’ll make certain to put one up before A Dance of Smoke and Steel is published!

Q. When is the next book/audiobook coming out?

A. You can always find the most current release dates on the UPCOMING page. These sometimes change (if I’m late, or if the publisher decides to shift the schedule) but I’ll try to keep them as updated as possible. And if you’d like a reminder each time I release a book, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter. I never spam; I only send emails when I have a release or other important news.

Q. How many books will be in this series?

A. I have six books planned so far, broken up into two trilogies that should stand alone fairly well. The first trilogy is A Gathering of Dragons and the second one would deal with the fallout of that storyline. Whether I’ll actually write that second trilogy kind of depends on how well the first one sells, however, and whether my publisher asks for more. But even if we only get the first three books, it should be a complete and hopefully satisfying story!

Q. Where does The Beast of Blackmoor fit in the Gathering of Dragons series?

A. The novella, The Beast of Blackmoor, can be read as a prequel novella (it takes place before the events of A Heart of Blood & Ashes) or as a companion story that you can read at any point. If you read either A Touch of Stone & Snow or A Dance of Smoke & Steel before you read The Beast of Blackmoor, you will encounter some spoilers for the novella — but the novella won’t spoil any books in the main arc of the trilogy.

Q. I don’t like the F-word or C-word. Can you stop using such vulgar language? It adds nothing to the story.

A. I understand that some readers have an aversion to ‘bad’ words or are of the opinion that using a swear word is just lazy writing. My feeling, however, is that these words offer a more honest portrayal of the world and their characters. They’re raw, they’re vulgar, and that aspect of their world is reflected in the language they use (and that I use.) My word choices are also the opposite of lazy. I spend a lot of time thinking about the language I use in these books and the effect each word has, and I spend even more time drafting, editing, and polishing my work. If an f-word stays, it’s because it has passed muster. I have judged it, found that the word did exactly what I wanted it to do on the page, and let it stand. 

If these words ruin the book for you, I truly am sorry. Of course I want everyone to enjoy my work, and to feel the time and money they’ve spent is worth it! But I feel that I would ruin the books by using language that didn’t fit the world I’ve created and the characters, and I refuse to ruin my own books.

So if you intend to email me to criticize my language and chastise me, or to demand that I stop using these words, let me gently answer now: I will always use the words that I deem best for the scene and the characters. Sometimes those words will be sweet. Sometimes they will be vulgar. But they will always fit the characters and story…even if they are not something you would write or say or prefer to read. But please consider: I’m not writing about you. I’m writing about fantasy barbarians in another world. So if you can enjoy the books despite the language, fantastic! I’m glad. If you can’t, then I truly wish you the best, and hope that in the future, every book you read is better suited to your taste.

Q. Can I tell you how much I dislike and/or am offended by your books?

A. How about write a review and tell readers, instead? Are you really going to be this person who feels like you need to tell an author you hate her work? Either move on to the next book, or write a review to tell other people you don’t like it. You don’t need to tell me. 

Privacy Policy

Is your information safe?

You can view the full privacy policy here, but basically: I will never share or use any information gathered on this site, except for the purposes you’ve granted (for example, if you sign up for my newsletter, then I’ll contact you via email when I have a new release, but I’ll never share your email address with anyone, including my publisher).

I use MailChimp as a newsletter host, Bluehost as a website host, and have installed a Facebook Pixel to analyze how visitors interact with my site (but I can’t see your individual information at all.) I use WPForms as my contact plugin. You can review their privacy policies and security measures at their respective sites. 

FTC Disclosure

This site uses affiliate links

This site uses affiliate links — which means that, at no cost to you, if you click through and buy an item, I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Messages to Milla

Hi there! If you email me with a question, I’ll try to answer as soon as possible but it might take me a few days (especially if I’m on deadline.)


Don’t forget to check out the Frequently Asked Questions — you might see the answer you’re looking for there regarding:

  1. Maps & character lists
  2. Release schedules
  3. Vulgar language
  4. Disliking my books